Lone Wulf SB 800 RS "Kurt"








William Moore




 In 1944  the Germans sought to imitate the success of the Barnes Wallis Bouncing bomb with their own creation . This differed in being smaller and although the front was ball like the rear rocket section was a tube. This increased the weapons range but decreased the accuracy. Though tested with FW 190's and manufactured it was not used , probably due to lack of targets.


This comes as 4 pieces on a piece of cardboard and an A4 double sided sheet of instructions and possible future kits  in medium sized zip-lock bag  . The current kits are a engine for a Go224A and a cockpit set for the Unicraft Lippisch P12 which I must get as I want this kit . Upcoming releases are a towed fuel tank for the Ar 234 ( which is very high on my most wanted kits ) a DFS 194 propeller version ( precursor to the Me 163 ) as well as a L11 Schneewitchen torpedo - again a desired kit on my part.  

The kit has very good instructions including detailed diagrams on how to put it all together with all materials needed included. The strip of plastic card is pre scribed for you to make the job easier . The resin guard device will have to be carefully removed from its backing sheet though I would consider duplicating this in plastic to save on grief. The main bomb is beautifully cast with only one small pinhole . What really pleased me is that the rocket exhaust tubes at the rear have been nicely cast also and not omitted.

I'd like to say something about the construction but there is nothing to say - simply put it together using common sense and super glue and within a hour you will have a completed bomb. The only tricky bit is cutting some of the resin . For 1/48 scale people Arba ( available from Hannants ) do a Kurt also .


This is a good kit which will look imposing under a FW 190 , possibly next to one of Revell's new ones with a BV 246 Hagelkorn under it. Recommended to everyone as assembly will be over within an hour and you will have a very strange looking bomb. So good I'm going to buy a few more .

Review copy courtesy of Lone Wulf Models.

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