Hasegawa 1/48 Ki-44 '70th Fighter Regiment

KIT #: 07311
PRICE: 2,240 yen SRP
DECALS: Two options
REVIEWER: Andrew Garcia
NOTES: Flat coated kit decals


See Scott Van Aken’s review and build of the Hasegawa 1/48th scale Ki-44 in the Kit # 9137 boxing for a very nice overview of the Shoki. For this in-the-box review I would add the unique aspect of the Ki-44 in this boxing is it features late war combatants providing parts for two different versions of the aircraft. 


First released in February of 1996 (as Kit Jt36 or #09136) the kit is similar to the many Japanese WWII kits released by Hasegawa in the mid-1990’s. Excellent surface detail, good tight fit, clear and easy assembly with decals for the instrument panels that gives you a great cockpit out-of-the-box(OOB) build.

This kit is the latest incarnation and has two good features. The clear parts contain both trees “R” and “S” which are the front canopy section with the telescopic sight (Ki44-I) and reflector gunsight (Ki44-II). Previous releases for the most part had only clear parts “R or “S”. Thus, you can build all versions except the prototype with the plastic in this kit.

Recently, in late 2012, it appeared Hasegawa re-released most of the original versions of their 1/48th kits in a limited release plan. Thus, you can find the original Ki44-I, Kit 09136, Jt36, re-released in 2012 and available for ¥1,920 Yen (approx. $24.48) plus shipping from Japan – the re-release has flat coated decals unlike the initial release which were very glossy.

Although Hasegawa is the master of kit re-boxing and for most releases it is just a new set of decals and no new plastic, I have come to appreciate their superb package which includes nice decals, instructions, etc. with the required research to enable me to correctly portray some unique aircraft. This release contains the normal highly detailed hard plastic Hasegawa trees from previous releases. The very big change is the decal is thinly printed and has a flat coat!! For those aficionados of Hasegawa kits the thick gloss coated decals were inappropriate and always identified as a shortcoming. They are listening and these decals are worth using OOB. Just remember to use very hot water, a 6 second dip, and use Future as your setting agent. You won’t be able to move the decal around though with this approach so be careful with the initial placement.

This release, Kit # 07311, features two aircraft. The first option is Ki-44-II Hei 70th Flight Regiment flown by Major Atsuyuki Sakado in June 1945 featuring markings for three B-29 victories. This is the later “II” version with the reflector gunsight. The second marking option is Ki-44-I (KOH) also from the 70th Flight Regiment flown by Sgt. Sadao Miyazawa with the telescopic gunsight in February 1945 featuring markings for one F6F Hellcat victory.

This is another very nice release for the Ki-44 Shoki modeling interest crowd!


This is not a big deal release but for anyone who likes Japanese aircraft like the Ki-44 it is a much appreciated release since it is a fine kit and an easy build.  The HLJ prices used in this review appear very reasonable so get one soon before they disappear or the price goes up due to the changing exchange rates. I would expect to see this kit selling on eBay at an inflated price for the unknowing shopper in the near future.


Modeling Madness Kit Reference section. From this section you will find Hasegawa Ki-44 release information such as:

Ki 44 I : 09182 will build the rare Ki 44 I only, also includes instructions and decals to modify the kit to build pre-production Shokis that saw combat in Burma and China with the Kingfisher Unit. 

Ki 44 II a : 09137, 09603 and 09825 build a Ki4 4 IIa (Ko = a) only. 

Ki 44 II b : 09177 and 09301 build the Ki 44 IIb (Otsu = b) with faired 40 mm wing cannon, but 09301 also includes parts to cut back cannon fairings and expose the barrel ends. 

Ki 44 II c : Both 09136, 09336, and 09531 build a Ki 44 IIc (Hei = c) only. 51020 is the Ki 44 IIc kit with a set of Jaguar resin super detail parts.

Ki 44 II a and II c : Both 09194, 09711, 09958, and 07311 include the parts to build either the IIa or IIc version.

 Andrew Garcia

October 2012

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