Huma 1/72 DFS-346






Two versions: Generic German and Russian


Scott Van Aken


No swastika






Massachusetts ANG
F-106A Delta Dart


By: Tom Rea

Purchased: 1991
Cost: DM 7.00 :-)


The Mass ANG (101 FIS) received its aircraft from the 95th FIS in 1972 operated from Otis ANGB. The unit was still flying its aircraft in 1984.

The original markings were rather plain consisting of a green and white band atop the vertical stabilizer with the states' name within. Luckily by 1978 they converted to the much more colourful markings as represented by Experts Choice Decals.

Inspired by the somewhat large amount of on-line and magazine F-102 and F-106 reviews lately I decided to dust off my old Monogram F-106. The kit I have is the second release version as indicated by the Century Series emblazoned on the box top.

Upon opening the box I was both delighted and disheartened to find two sets of aftermarket decals that I purchased and promptly forgot about. This only means that I will have to track down another kit for that second set.

The kit is typical 80's Monogram. A large amount of detail is present as are the raised panel lines. Most of the parts, especially the smaller ones, have flash on them and there is just a tiny presence of mold shift. A nice option is that both styles of canopies are provided and you have the option of displaying the weapons bay open with a full load of five missiles, four Falcon and one Genie. The Falcons in my kit were covered with flash and have prominent ejector pin marks, so a lot of work is required if you wish to display a loaded a/c.

There are also a number of sinkmarks present but luckily they are easily dealt with.


I started by assembling the fuselage halves. I needed to use a fast setting glue and work my down the fuselage as the fit was not the greatest. There was also a large gap on the vertical stab that need filling. Monogram molded part of the vertical stab as an inset attached to one half of the fuselage and the majority molded on the other half.

I had a lot of problems with the refueling insert on the spine as it just didn't fit that well. Using a fast setting glue and some subtle threats I was able to get it to fit reasonably well so all that was needed was a bit of putty and some sanding.

As well, I also removed the upper portion of the four "blades" that stick up as photos indicate that the transition to the refueling door is smooth.

I decided to be bold with this kit and took some fine wet and dry sandpaper and lightly sanded all the raised panel lines and rivets. The F-106 was a very smooth aircraft and I felt that the raised lines really detracted from the finish. I did rescribe those lines that represented opening panels as I wanted to slightly weather them. Besides, it is very difficult to add raised panel lines and rivets.

I painted all cockpit parts with a medium gray and flat and semi gloss black. Various switches were picked out using the D & S book as a ref. A light black wash helped pick out the details. I painted the scopes with gloss black and then added a drop of clear green when the black was dry.

I would have prefered to use a good resin seat as the Monogram one is a bit "soft" but as I intended to place the canopy in a closed position it didn't matter too much.

I also painted the various canopy details at this time and used a light black wash to pick out the details. I then proceeded to take a fine wire and, using a medium brown, lightly dot the inside of the canopy frame. I followed this up with a brownish yellow and painted the inside frame. All this was an attempt to replicate the canopy seal.

I elected to close the missile turbine bays. Sadly, the closed missile bay doors that are provided are too short, so some filling was required. I also had to remove the mounting post for the turbine in order to get the doors to fit flush.

I also drilled out the lights on the wing tips and top of vertical stabilizer and after painting was complete I filled them with Krytsal Klear.

In addition to the lights I also drilled out the holes for the speed brake actuators, landing gear support arms, and those on the landing gear doors.

Sadly, while great in detail, a lot of Monogram kits suffer from fit problems and this was no exception. A lot of fast setting cement, contortionist hand bending, breaking of glue seams, elastic bands, and muttering was required to acheive something of a normal fit. A lot of careful puttywork and sanding followed in order to get the upper and lower fuselage together.

With all of the rough handling taking place I taped some stiff cardboard around the nose gear and main gear doors in order to protect them from getting broken.

I primed the kit and fixed any obvious blemishes. I say obvious because gloss paint, like its metallic cousin, is somewhat unforgiving.

I painted the kit using Model Master paints for the grey and black, and Testors metalizer for the exhaust.

After the painting was complete, I added the main landing gear. The nose gear is assembled earlier in the construction process.

As mentioned, I found an old set of Bare Metal decals for a Michigan Air National Guard F-106 (which will look great alongside the F-4C and F-16 that I intend to build someday) along with a set of Experts Choice (formerly Bare Metal) decals for a Mass Air National Guard F-106. In spite of the cool look of the six-pack I went with the Mass ANG markings as the harpoon on the drop tanks looks great. Besides, I think I may be able to find a reasonably priced 106 out there for the Mich ANG markings (sorry but 30.00 US +S&H doesn't cut it).

When this kit was first released it was heralded as "state of the art". Sadly that was was well over 15 years ago and companies like Accurate Miniatures and Tamiya have raised the level of "state of the art". Still, this is a nice kit and most modelers will have a very nice replica with a minimum of effort.

I look forward in building another so I can start my "six pack" collection of colourful Mich ANG aircraft . Then again, there is the Montana ANG, and the .......

Detail & Scale Volume 13 Bert Kinzey
Detail & Scale Colors & Marking series Volume 1 Bert Kinzey
F-106 Delta Dart in Action Lou Drendel




















Review copy courtesy of me and my wallet!! If any of you manufacturers or shop owners want to send products for review and building, please contact me.