Choroszy 1/72 Caproni Ca.3

KIT #:  
PRICE: $50.00 or so
NOTES: Resin kit
Choroszy model from Poland. 1/72 scale. Average price $50, difficult to find on various sites including home site.
This is a resin kit requiring super Glue or 2 part Epoxy which will hold fragile areas like main wing roots to fuselage. Kit upon opening seems to have a hundred small parts not reflecting the image of the aircraft, parts have much flash requiring cleaning. Torpedo provided is more of a WW2 configuration, longer and more rounded front end requiring shortening and shaping which I did not do. Torpedo bracing was also built from scratch using only existing photo of this aircraft's lower area.

No metal detail parts were provided. Gun cage in the rear was made from scratch using thin steel bar of pin diameter and formed on a home made template with only top rings from this kit used, carefully glued with epoxy pin drops.  
Paint used was enamel and acrylic, paint was mixed to match original art depiction.  
Rear Lewis machine gun was a Micro Scale mini forge from Ukraine. Front gun mount was part of an Eduard detail set for Lewis machine gun. (1/72)
Weathering was done with airbrush capable of 1/16 fine line spray (badger renegade) using very thin brown paint carefully applied lightly not to run. Heavier weathering lines done with application of dark brown oil paint appplied and wiped. Decals on rudder printed on decal paper, all others were provided in the kit.

My advice is enormous patience, took me a year to finish on and off.  

Pat Di

22 August 2024

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