Aero Research: Classic Propliners #3


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co -


$12.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 2008

This is Aero Research's next great photo CD covering propliners. Like their earlier CDs, most of the aircraft in this edition are from second line or privately owned aircraft. The range is quite extensive with a lot of Martin 404s, C-46s, C-47s, DC-4/6/7 aircraft as well as some other interesting types including some seaplanes. I found it interesting while looking at the images that a lot of them were photographed in Miami, Oakland and Ypsilanti. There are other locales as well, of course, including some that are outside the US. The images are nicely done and while there is a bit of nose and tail chopping in a few images, the majority are what you have come to expect from Aero Research.

The CD has 305 Megabytes of images, with 155 separate entries, each with as much information as is known about the image like the place and date the photo was taken, though not all have this information available for various reasons.

Like the other CD's these are overall portraits of these planes.  It is markings that make these planes interesting and you'll find lots to pique your interest.

I know I liked it and I am equally sure that you will as well.

Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

July 2013

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