
Propjets part 1


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co - e-mail AeroResearch@Charter.net to order yours


$11.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 2001

The latest from Aero Research is this volume on propjets. It includes 153 very large images of 4000 pixels across. There are a few images that are a bit fuzzy, but nearly all are crisply done and quite clear. I did note that there is a still a tendency to clip the nose or tail of an image and I'm not sure if this is due to the original image or the way it is cropped. As mentioned in the last review, were it not that I have taken tens of thousands of aircraft photos myself, it probably wouldn't be something that one would notice.

The CD is totally civil aviation from Argosy to YS-11 and includes a total of 28 different types operating in both passenger and cargo roles. There are also some bush aircraft and a few that are derelict, just to add some atmosphere.

Each edition seems to get better and better in terms of how it is put together and the quality of the images. This is an excellent presentation and one that you will surely enjoy as well.

You can get more information by e-mailing AeroResearch@Charter.net as they have not yet established a web site. Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

April, 2007

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