
Little Joe: Mercury's first steps


James Duffy




$19.95 from www.rocket.aero


Scott Van Aken

Notes: DVD

I love surprises and nothing has surprised me as much recently as the receipt of this DVD on the history of the Little Joe. The Little Joe was constructed by North American Aviation in the late 1950s in order to provide a test rocket to allow NACA/NASA to develop an escape system for the Mercury space capsules.

Designed to be able to simulate the the thrust given by both the Redstone and Atlas, it was powered mainly by Sergeant solid fuel boosters. Thanks to the light weight of the vehicle, it was able to provide the simulations needed.

The DVD itself is divided into several sections. The main section is a fully narrated 22 minute film that has some nicely done digital music to add to the overall effect. This shows the construction, development and flights of the Little Joe. The Little Joe carried three different Mercury capsules; from just a shape to fully man capable in several flights, each designed to test the escape tower system. Of course, not all flights were successful and all these flights are captured in the DVD. The film maker has made extensive use of the National Archives to bring us what is a most fascinating DVD.

Other sections include over 50 still photographs, a 'modeler's notes' overplay of the main feature; a very interesting idea that will give you a fascinating background into space modeling and techniques, a section on Pressure Suit Testing, one on building the booster and, of course, all of the original film footage. Now none of the sections other than the feature and 'modeler's notes' sections have any sound as they were not filmed with sound. However, they do make for fascinating viewing and are a great help when it comes to modeling the vehicle. Total running time for all of the items in the DVD is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Overall, this is a super DVD. The subject is esoteric enough to be quite interesting and the film is put together well. If you are a real space enthusiast or just interested in things a bit out of the norm, then this is for you.

Review DVD courtesy of Rocket.Aero. Order yours direct

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