
Naval Ordnance and Gunnery




Dataview Publishing


$9.99 direct at www.dataviewbooks.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM


Folks, this particular CD contains 402 pages in pdf format, on the subject of gunnery and ordnance. If the weapon was used aboard a ship, it is here. From naval rifles to depth charges to Sea Sparrow launchers and everything in between, there is either a detailed explanation with drawings and photos or some nice photos. The more modern stuff has full color images while the older equipment is taken from a 1955 publication on the subject. There are even a few patents tossed in to add to the spice.

I have to say that I spent several hours browsing through this one and I know that you will find it just as fascinating as did I. If your interest lies in nautical weaponry of the last half century, then this is something you really should have.

You can get a downloadable PdF copy for $3.99. A hard copy will be available later.

March 2007

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