Osprey's He-111 Kampfgeschwader on the Eastern Front


John Weal


Osprey Publishing


$22.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softbound
ISBN: 978-1-78096-307-5

The He-111 was one of Germany's pre-war bomber designs and was in full service by the time the war started in September of 1939. Soon joined by the Ju-88 during the Battle of Britain, the Junkers aircraft proved to be much faster and have about the same range and carrying capabilities. Doesn't mean that the He-111 was retired, just surpassed.

When the Soviet Union was invaded in mid 1941, the He-111 was still around and in some strength. It operated quite successfully in this far flung battlefield, with groups being moved from place to place as the need required. In this way, resources could be used where the need was the greatest.

It was the eastern front where the He-111 was used from the beginning of the war until the very last days. Even when the Soviets were growing closer and closer to Germany and Berlin, the 111 was kept flying, albeit is smaller and smaller numbers. Later versions with the power operated dorsal turret were also used in this area of the war. Not surprisingly, many of the missions flown by the 111 were not strategic bombing as they were envisioned, but in a tactical mission against Soviet ground forces or even as transports, hauling material to beleaguered German troops.

Typical of books in this series, we get a look at these units during various times of the conflict. Full of unit reports and pilot stories, it makes for excellent reading, one of the reasons the series is so popular. It is also full of well chosen period photos of the aircraft and their crews. All of this is additionally enhanced by several pages of full color profiles. These are organized according to the units that flew the plane and the time period involved, giving one a pretty complete picture of the changes in camouflage and markings over the years.

In all, another excellent book from Osprey and a title that I know you will enjoy reading and using as reference. As always, highly recommended.

August 2013

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