KommanDeur Sheets
Fw-190A/D, Bf-109G/K
MSRP: $27.00 post paid
KommanDeur has come out with three more great sheets for Luftwaffe fighters. Like their earlier sheets, these have a wide variety of camouflage schemes. Unlike their other sheets, these include both mid and late war aircraft. Especially interesting are the NJG 11 Bf-109s, and the late war Fw-190As. A very nice touch is a full set of stencils for the aircraft. While one can use the kit stencils, it is nice to have the stencils of the same quality as the rest of the decals.
Differing from their other sets, these sheets are sold in the US only as a set. While the initial price may seem high, it actually is less expensive than the previous sheets. With thirteen subjects to choose from, it actually comes to a bit more than $2.00 an aircraft; a bargain for decals of this quality.
Now for a bit of information on what's on the sheets.
On 4805 are Fw-190A-8, Blue 4 from 12./JG 6 and Black 9 from
2.I./JG 301. The next are Fw-190F-8s; yellow 14 from SG2 or 10 and white
48 from an unknown unit.
4806 is all Bf-109s. Yellow 5 , a 109G-6 from 9./JG 26; Yellow 2 a 109G-6/AS
of II./JG 27; a 109K-4, white 5 of II/NJG 11, and an unknown 109K-4 # 5800.
The final sheet is a mixture of aircraft. Bf-109G-10 white 43 of II./NJG
11; Brown 4 an Fw-190A-7 of 7./JG 26; a Ta-152 tailed Fw-190D-9, black 6
from III./JG 2; black <4 of (Stab)I./JG 301, and finaly a Bf-109G-6, black
<< of III./JG 53.
There are sufficient stencils and insignia to allow you to do several aircraft
from each sheet.
All three sheets come with supplementary information on the paint scheme and history of the aircraft in question. A number of these aircraft come from unpublished photos and it is hoped that in the future, these will come to light. A superb set of decals that can be highly recommended to anyone.
For more information on these and other sheets, please visit KommanDeur's website.
Thanks to KommanDeur for providing these decals.