Black Box 1/48 T-28D cockpit set




$22.00 MSRP ($15.75 at North American Hobbies )


Monogram T-28D


Scott Van Aken

If there has been a kit that cries out for a new cockpit, it is the Monogram T-28 series. This particular set will be a God-send for those who have the kit and want to build it with some accuracy. Now you'll have to wait for a wheel well set as that is really needed as well, but for now, you can at least get the 'office' looking good.

The set states that it is for the T-28D, though I think it would work nearly as well for the T-28B. From what I understand, it is not correct for the T-28A model, which is the only readily available kit around. No worries as I'm sure the D or B model will soon be out there once again.

This set has literally everything you need including the front canopy framing (the back is shown but not included) and optional control stick locking devices. You will have to do a bit of sprue stretching for a couple of items, but nothing that is too difficult. This is a hefty chunk of resin and will go a long way to helping with the extreme tail-heaviness of the Monogram kit. Now all we need are some wheel wells, struts and wheels to take care of those 'toys' that come with the kit.

Review set courtesy North American Hobbies, where you can get everything from 20-30% below retail.

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