SET: Contact-RĂ©sine 1/32 Corsair and Avenger Wheel Sets
SET #: CR 32021 and 32026
PRICE: $11.93 and $17.90  from Design & Marketing Int'l
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Resin for the Trumpeter kit


Two more great wheel sets from Contact Resine. On the left is set 32026, for the Avenger. This is for the Trumpeter kit and they retail for $17.90. The other set (32021) is for the Corsair. In 1/32 you have the choice of the Trumpeter for the later aircraft or the Revell kit for the early Corsair. This set retails for 11.93.

Both sets are superbly molded with incredible detail and are weighted to add that extra bit of realism.

You can order either or both sets direct from Design & Marketing Int'l

March 2005

Thanks to Design & Marketing Int'l for the review set.

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