Riich Models 1/35 "East Meets West"
KIT #: RV 35014
PRICE: $18.00 SRP
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Four figures

This particular set by Riich Models is subtitled "East Meets West: Elbe River 1945". For those who are history fans, you know that the Soviet and US army met at the Elbe River late in the war and there was much joviality at the meet. It was also a major photo op and many photos were taken by both sides of the event.

This set portrays a pair of meetings; one with a US soldier in a greatcoat shaking hands with a Soviet female soldier. The other is a more animated embrace by a US soldier and what appears to be a soviet tanker, based on his padded head covering.

As with many of Riich's figure sets, this one is a bit unusual, but quite welcome. There is a full painting guide on the back of the box that includes paints from Hobby Color, Mr. Color, Humbrol and Tamiya.

July 2013

Thanks to www.dragonmodelsusa.com for the preview kit. Get yours today at your local shop.

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