Aeromaster's 72-022 for P-40E/K Warhawks.
DKDecals 72053: P-40E Warhawk over Philippines, Java and Australia
Rising Decals 72084: The Burma Banshees Pt.II
Rising Decals 72110: Sharkmouth Unit - P-40 Warhawks of the 51st FG over CBI
Starfighter Decals 72-134: Pre-war USAAC P-40B
Superscale 72-675 for 49 FG P-40E
Superscale 72-693 for 49th FG P-40E Warhawks
Superscale 72-862: P-40N Warhawk
Superscale 72-863: P-40N Warhawks
Dutch Profile #10: P-40E/N part 1 (3 scales)
Dutch Decal DDS 2074: P-40N part 2, 1946-50 (3 scales)
Aeromaster 48-056 for the P-40 Tomahawk
Aeromaster 48-216 for P-40s of the Checkertail Clan.
Aeromaster 48-219 for the P-40F Warhawk
Aeromaster 48-308 for P-40 Aces.
Cutting Edge 48-117 for AVG P-40s
Cutting Edge 48-172 for P-40E/M/N Warhawks
Cutting Edge 48-182 on AVG P-40s
Cutting Edge 48-209 for colorful P-40 Warhawks
Cutting Edge 48-255 on the P-40B/C Tomahawk
Cutting Edge 48277 and 48278 for the AVG P-40B/C
Eagle Strike 48-075 for the P-40 Warhawk
Eagle Strike 48-076 for the P-40 Warhawk
Eagle Strike 48-077 for the P-40 Warhawk
Eagle Strike 48-147 on the P-40 Warhawk
Eagle Strike 48190: Warhawks part 3
Eagle Strike 48-191: P-40 Warhawks pt 4
Eagle Strike 48-233: Birds of Prey part 5
Eagle Strike 48-234: Birds of Prey part 6
FCM 48023: 1°/14° G.Av. P-40 Warhawk
IPMS Canada's 111Sq P-40 Warhawks
KediDecals KDT48-001 for the P-40 in Turkish service
Pyn-Up 48023: Curtiss Cuties part 1
Pyn-Up 48-025 for the P-40 Warhawk
Sky Models 48047 for the P-40 Warhawk
Starfighter Decals 48-12: P-40B/C/G in USAAF Service
Superscale 48-467 for 49 FG P-40E Warhawks
Superscale 48-492 for P-40E Warhawks
Superscale 48-493 for P-40E Warhawks
Superscale's 48-711 for the P-40K Warhawk
Superscale 48-712 for the P-40N Warhawk
Superscale 48-757 for the P-40N
Superscale 48-802 for the P-40E Warhawk.
Superscale 48-844 for the P-40F Warhawk
Superscale 48-845 for the P-40F/L Warhawk
Superscale 48-854 for P-40F Warhawk
Superscale 48-855 for P-40FL Warhawk
Superscale 48-888 for the P-40K
Superscale 48-889 for P-40M/N Warhawk
Superscale 48-898 for the P-40K/L
Superscale 48-900 for the P-40 Warhawk
Superscale 48-903 on the P-40 Warhawk
Superscale 48-961 for 49 FG P-40E Warhawks
Superscale 48-1001: P-40E Warhawk
Superscale 48-1024: P-40N Warhawk
Superscale 48-1025: P-40N Warhawk
Superscale 48-1261: Curtiss P-40K
TGR 48-010 for 49 FG P-40N Warhawks
War Eagle 027 for 1/48 P-40N and F-6D
BarracudaCals 32005: P-40s of 112 Sq RAF part 1
BarracudaCals 32006: P-40E Warhawks part 1
Cutting Edge 32-051 for the P-40B/C Tomahawk
Cutting Edge 32-052 for the P-40B/C Tomahawk
Cutting Edge 32-053 for the P-40 Tomahawk
Cutting Edge 32-054 for the P-40 Tomahawk
Data Decals 32-003 for the P-40B/C
Data Decals 32-004: 1/32 Early P-40 pt 2
Eaglecals 30-32 on the Squadrons of the AVG
EagleCals 32-71 for the P-40 Tomahawk IIB
EagleCals 32 73 for the Tomahawk IIB
Superscale 320247: P-40E Warhawks
Ventura Decals V3283: P-40M/N Warhawk